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Mom and Teresa have vacated the Mason abode and moved in to their own pretty space six miles away. Interior renovations are basically complete,with only a few minor tasks yet to complete. The overall outcome is beautiful. See for yourself.











Teresa still needs to get some items moved from her home in Florida, so she can finish her bedroom and fill in some of the empty spaces. Mom is awaiting a very special chair, just for her, to go in her den. She ordered a power recliner with a special lift to help her get out of the chair. I want one too!  They still need to hang up some pictures, drapes and stuff like that. There is some landscaping and exterior painting needed also; but there is plenty of time for that. The house is so welcoming and the residents are pretty nice too—I say that, but I might be biased.

Mom is loving her new home. She has had the family over for a few dinners and has already hosted a luncheon for our Circuit Overseer, Pete & Joanne Mardesich, (with Teresa and I responsible for the cooking) who are visiting our Kingdom Hall this week. This house is a vessel for the ongoing Cook Hospitality that has been a hallmark of our parents open door policy.

It is so nice to see Mom enjoying her home. She loves that she has her own personal chef and housecleaning staff. Teresa is her domestic goddess and over-all personal assistant. Mom says she took care of us for years and now it’s our turn to reciprocate…which we are glad to do I must say.

This has been a great move for Mom and for Teresa too. Now if only Mom’s health would cooperate. This past weekend she suffered several small strokes. She was hospitalized and underwent a litany of tests. The MRI showed evidence of damage across her frontal lobe. Teresa and I took her for follow-up with her Physician, Dr. Brock Jones today. He outlined a course of action to pursue to prevent any more episodes. The good news is that her blood pressure is responding to medication and hopefully this one won’t leave any residual effects.  She says that she is “Just Old”…but hey, at 81 she is just a “Spring Chicken”, right?  Anyway, we are monitoring her closely and hopefully she will be back to par before long.

Teresa and Mom will be hosting the Palaski’s in December and have an open book for anyone who wants to schedule a visit. Ventura is beautiful in the Winter…wanna come see?

November 2011

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