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You read right…   Mom and Dad are coming east.    Not that I applied any pressure or anything, but Oregon was down right cold this time of year.   Though my advance trip home has been met with some record breaking cold anyway.   BRRRRRRRRRRRR…….

Regardless, the flights are booked and they will be leaving Oregon on Sunday.    The motorhome is staying in the yard this time and they will be visiting by car from here.    Thanks to Roger and Marta they don’t even have to drive to the airport.   Family effort has arranged for a delegation of transport.  Marta gets the first part  of the journey from North Bend to Eugene and then Roger has offered to pick them up in Eugene and drive them back to Portland for the flight to Orlando.   Does it sound like we are too eager?     Kinda are 🙂  

I spoke to them yesterday and the packing has started at least the thoughts of what to pack….   Dad had hoped for better weather this time of year and believe me I did too.    The cold snaps here in Florida have taken out a third of my sweat induced landscaping efforts.      So packing for the trip is a little like tossing a coin;  50/50.    

Plans????   There are none; other than a wish list of friends and family to see.     There isn’t even a time frame for when we will return to Oregon.     Since I’m driving and (ha ha) calling the shots I just might keep them here until July.        So the  invitation is open for anyone to visit.    Think about it…  A trip to the most “wonderful place on earth”.      That is if you believe 🙂     Otherwise you just might need to keep the light on because we could show up at your door at any time.

Those in the Central Florida area are First:   Betty, Dallas, The Bibbs and Curtis Families are at the top of the list.   Dad is cooking…dinner anyone?

February 2010

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