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Can you believe it’s already been two weeks?   Though we aren’t counting the second one since most of it has been spent in bed.   Mom and I both got sick a week ago and we have been coughing our fool heads off.   It’s put quite a damper on getting to visit much.   Thank goodness Betty and then Dallas and Stacy did get to come before the virus hit.   Dad has managed to miss out on all the germs so he has been the nurse.   Not your ordinary nurse, though I mind you.   Ordinary would have been quite content with serving the good old fashioned chicken soup just the way I made it.   But no….   naturally he took over the kichen and thought he’d turn it into a real life cajun gumbo the second day.   It was really good with the shrimp, okra and additional spices but I  think it lost some of it’s medicinal potency in the redo.   Because Mom and I are still hacking.   

We made it out to the store today and are now dosing with some of the most awful tasting medicine around.   I’m not kidding either.   Mom and I are both doing the yucky dance with every dose  while Dad and Brandon provide the music with their laughter.   If I’d known the liquid was going to be so bad I’d of coughed up another ten dollars for the pills but it never occured to me to ask what it tasted like before I bought it.  My only hope is that it works and fast.   Because we have more visiting to do before we can continue on our way.   And I honestly don’t want to take any more of this medicine than I absolutely have too.

Dad has pulled out the atlas and Mom her address book, with the internet we’ve found a few numbers we’ll need and then it’s into the navigation system and a lovely voice will direct us on our way.   A zig zag journey with stops in Jacksonville, St Marys, Albany, Waycross, Savannah and Hardeville.   And that’s just to start.     When we get over this cold and can pin down a time frame we’ll give you a heads up to when we’ll be coming to an area near you.  

Oh, I do have a few pictures to post of Betty, Dallas and Stacy and I’ll get more when they return next Saturday.  So I’ll start a Trip Gallery for you to follow as we make our way back to Oregon.

March 2010

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